1 mission
1. What stuck out to you from either the teaching or the testimony?
2. As you enter this MOVE series, what are some things on your heart right now and how can your community group be praying for you?
PRAY as a group for what God will continue to do in each of us and in our church through MOVE. Read Acts 1:1-11. Pay particular attention to Acts 1:8 and seek to memorize it.
1. Jesus is asking His followers to be patient, have a persevering faith, and wait for the gift of the Holy Spirit, which would empower them to be His witnesses throughout Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and the ends of the earth. Being a person of faith requires both patience and perseverance. Do you personally wrestle with either of these traits? How does this impact your faith?
2. Jesus casts vision for His followers to spread His message to all types of places, even those in which they weren’t personally comfortable. When you think about your Jerusalem, your Judea, your Samaria, what is uncomfortable for you as you seek to share your faith in a meaningful way?
3. As you think about the generosity challenge of the MOVE initiative, how does this inspire you personally? How specifically can your group be praying for you as you take steps in your generosity in this season?
Reflect on answers from #3 above and PRAY together as a group to close. Encourage everyone to come back next week as we MOVE Through Community!
the mission of the church emphasizes that every believer is called to participate in spreading the Kingdom of God. It encourages viewers to stop being spectators in their faith and instead engage actively in missions through the power of the Holy Spirit. The video challenges participants to step onto the "playing field" and make more and better followers of Jesus, regardless of their background.
what is the legacy that Christians are called to leave behind? Using Paul's final words to Timothy, the teaching highlights how lasting impact comes through teaching, living under the authority of God's Word, and modeling a life of spiritual authenticity. The video challenges viewers to consider what kind of legacy they want to leave and how they can partner with Christ to shape future generations.
true discipleship goes beyond knowing the right answers and involves fully surrendering one's life to God's will. Through biblical examples, it challenges viewers to reflect on how much of themselves they have truly given to Christ. The video highlights Jesus' ultimate surrender in the Garden of Gethsemane as the model for Christian life.
Acts 2:42-47 is a model of true, biblical fellowship. The teaching explores how early believers devoted themselves to four essential practices: all of which are vital for a strong and impactful Christian community.
5 generosity
*Note: If you are someone who has not yet made your MOVE generosity commitment, you can do so by going to moveatrg.com or by texting COMMIT to 262-500-4004.
Read Acts 20:17-24; 32-35.
1. Paul is giving his final discourse to the Ephesian elders in this passage. What is he reminding them of as he prepares to leave them for the last time?
2. Paul’s last statement is about generosity, and it’s one of the more well-known statements he ever gave – “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” What is the significance of this being the very last thing Paul says? What do you think he was trying to impress upon them as he departed?
3. What are some things you have learned about generosity and your faith during this MOVE series?
4. Prayerfully, many of us made MOVE commitments this past weekend. As we think about the next two years of living out this commitment, what is some encouragement we can give one another about staying the course?
Reflect on answers from #4 above and PRAY together as a group to close.
Thank God for all He has done through this MOVE series and pray for perseverance and continued growth in generosity over these next two years of the MOVE journey.
4 legacy
1. What stuck out to you from either the teaching or the testimony?
2. What is one thing you have learned thus far during this MOVE series that you pray lasts far beyond this series?
PRAY as a group for what God will continue to do in each of us and in our church through MOVE. Pray for the all-church Commitment Weekend THIS upcoming weekend, November 16/17. Read Acts 10:1-8; 24-48.
1. What significant characteristics of Cornelius led to him be chosen as someone to receive this message from Peter?
2. If God were to commend you for something you have done that is creating a legacy and being noticed by God, what would that be? Or what would you like for it to be?
3. Cornelius’s commitment to generosity and to prayer ultimately led his relatives and close friends to understand who Jesus is and be baptized. Have you ever considered your faithfulness to generosity and prayer as something God would use as a means of bringing other people to Him? Have you seen this in the lives of others?
4. As you pray about the generosity commitment you are planning to make for MOVE this upcoming weekend, do you feel that you are leaving a legacy for God through this commitment? In other words, what does this MOVE commitment mean for you (and your family if applicable)?
Reflect on answers from #4 above and PRAY together as a group to close. Encourage everyone to continue praying through their commitment and for the all-church Commitment Weekend coming up THIS WEEKEND, November 16/17 at both campuses and online. Come back next week for MOVE Through Generosity!
3 surrender
1. What stuck out to you from either the teaching or the testimony?
2. If you were a part of the Advance Commitment Night this past Sunday, share your
experience and how God is moving through our church in this season.
PRAY as a group for what God will continue to do in each of us and in our church through MOVE. Give praise and gratitude for God’s movement during the Advance Commitment Night event recently and pray for the upcoming all-church Commitment Weekend, November 16/17. Read Acts 9:1-19.
1. It’s remarkable that someone who began by persecuting followers of Jesus would become such a powerful voice for God and write the majority of the New Testament. Do you know someone like this in your own life who has made a remarkable turnaround for God? Or is that possibly YOUR story?
2. What role did the act of surrender play in the story you shared above?
3. To surrender means “to abandon oneself entirely to; to give up, abandon, or relinquish; to give oneself up, as into the power of another; submit or yield.” Besides your salvation and surrendering your life to Jesus (if you are someone who has done that*), what else in your life have you surrendered?
*Note: If you are someone who has not yet surrendered your life to Jesus, we pray that this testimony of Saul’s conversion to Paul is moving for you and your faith journey. We would love to walk alongside you in your journey with Christ and help you take next steps in following Jesus and living your faith in community. Please share this with your group leader; or if you aren’t in a group, please contact Steve Olson at steve.olson@riverglen.cc.
4. As you think about your MOVE generosity commitment, consider your commitment in light of the drastic surrender we see in Acts 9. Does your generosity commitment represent a yielding to God’s power and leading?
Reflect on answers from #4 above and PRAY together as a group to close. Encourage everyone to continue praying through their commitment and that the all-church Commitment Weekend is November 16/17 at both campuses and online. Come back next week as we MOVE Through Legacy!
2 community
The video will involve your group partaking in communion and a liturgy together. Your
leader will be providing your communion elements; if you are doing this study on your own or with
your family, please be ready with communion elements while watching the video.
1. What stuck out to you from either the teaching or the testimony?
2. What is one area that you feel God challenging you in?
PRAY as a group for what God will continue to do in each of us and in our church through MOVE. Read Acts 2:42-47.
1. Acts 2 is about the Holy Spirit coming at Pentecost and the impact this had on the early believers. Not only were thousands of believers added on that day but the power of community in those believers increased immensely. What are the benefits of living our faith in community?
2. What does it mean that the believers were devoted to the apostles’ teaching? Do you feel that you are devoted to the teachings of your leaders? Where do you fall short in this, and how could you be more deeply devoted?
3. The communal living of these apostles is inspiring. Contrary to some interpretations, this type of living shouldn’t be interpreted as socialism; rather, it was a deep care for one another through a love and devotion that comes only from Jesus. Do you feel you live this way with other believers? How have challenges in your life prevented you from living more communally with others, and what might God be asking you to do about it?
4. Verse 45 tells us these early believers sold property and possessions to anyone who had need. Part of our MOVE generosity challenge involves praying about what stored resources God has given us that could be given for the benefit of others. Everyone has some type of a stored resource, whether it’s a teenager who sells an iPad or an adult who sells a piece of property or other items of value. Is there something God is putting on your heart to give up as part of the MOVE initiative? How can your group be praying for you in this?
Reflect on answers from #4 above and PRAY together as a group to close. Encourage everyone to come back next week for MOVE Through Surrender!